Even though Mono Flex has no real rabbit-like characteristics, it’s still a so-called rabbit vibrator. This type is either referred to as rabbit, clitorial-shaft or clitorial stimulator vibrators.
The rabbit vibrator was invented in the ‘80s, its defining feature is that beside the usual G-spot stimulation it also has a shorter extra shaft for clitorial pleasure. This shaft was initially shaped like the ear of a bunny, hence the name. The popularity of the rabbit vibrator really took off after that one vibrator-centric episode of Sex and the City, and it has been going strong ever since, it’s one of the most popular types.
We’re launching a new series, sponsored by vágyaim.hu , in which we discover the world of sex toys and accessories and discuss everything and anything from lube 101 to strap-ons, anal toys and nipple clamps. What, when, which one, how, how many times, why, why not? All questions you asked in embarrassment or did not ask at all, or if you did, you couldn’t find an answer. We are going to answer it all, including the questions you didn’t even know you wanted to ask!
Satisfyer Mono Flex isn’t only made special by having a clit-stimulating shaft, no, this right here is a smart vibrator. I can already hear you asking, what makes it smart and what good it is for us. As sceptical as I was when I first got this smart dildo, now I’m as enthusiastic in recommending you go try this new kind of pleasure. Fine, maybe not so new, after all smart dildos have been existing for years, but still, they aren’t that wide-spread in Hungary.
We call all app-controlled dildos with a Bluetooth connection ‘smart’. Here’s where things get exciting, because the device offers much more than the usual on-off and settings buttons. Now only your imagination sets the limit as to how the smart little gadget will buzz between your legs. And if being able to program the rhythm as we please isn’t enough we can give the control over to our partner, even if they’re currently at the other side of the world. I only now realised how useful such a dildo would have been when last time I spent a couple of weeks away from my girlfriend and our only option for shared intimacy was video sex.
The good news is that you don’t always have to take out your phone if you want to use it. The Satysfier smart bunny vibrator also works perfectly in a ‘dumb’ mode, since the intensity of the vibration can also be set manually. It’s important to mention that the clitorial shaft is perfectly flexible, so you can position it exactly how you want it. Extra praise for the waterproof build, which allows it to be used in the shower. Now let’s see what makes our dildo smart!
The app is also available in Hungarian, and after connecting to Bluetooth four navigation menus pop up: short range, remote partner, social media sharing and alarms.
In the short range menu we can chose between factory-set programs or our own creations, while live control means immediate vibration regulation. At this setting, on the screen’s left side we can intuitively control the vaginal shaft and on the right the clitorial stimulator. It can also vibrate in response to external sounds, and to the rhythm of music. Thanks to its Spotify connection it can also buzz to our favourite song. Yeah, this was the point where I stopped for about an hour and a half to look for the perfect sex music. And I mean real sex music, because the track’s rhythm will also set that of the vibrator! A bit of Lady Gaga’s Born This Way is perfect for warmup and for the finale I recommend Single Ladies by Beyoncé.
The remote partner function includes chat and video options for those who want to please their partners from afar. All long distance couples need to try this one! On the social media platform we can share the programs we created as well as try other people’s buzz-settings. And finally there’s the alarms menu, where we can set reminders for both solo sessions and coupled pleasure.
Who should invest in a Mono Flex? Those who want to be stimulated inside and out at the same time. Those who like technological innovation or who at least already use WhatsApp instead of texting. Those couples who live far away from each other or who spend a lot of time apart. Those who want a cool dildo for an affordable price.
Translated by Zsófia Ziaja