CultureImportantPrideqLit On November 20th we observe the Transgender Day of RemembranceqLit2019-11-192019-12-17 by qLit2019-11-192019-12-17 The Budapest Pride team will commemorate transgender people who died as a result of hate crimes on November 20th from 7:00pm at Auróra as a...
PrideWorld Celebrities who dress their hearts in rainbows for PrideSebesi Reni2019-06-202020-03-31 by Sebesi Reni2019-06-202020-03-31 We’re heading right into the middle of Pride Month where in Budapest year to year there are more programs and qLit programs which we can...
PrideqLit Budapest Pride 2018qLit2018-07-082019-10-30 by qLit2018-07-082019-10-30 2018's Budapest Pride March took place this Saturday. As in every year we were also there and had a blast. Find our photo selection below!...
PrideWorld Keyword: Intimate – We’ve been to the Ljubljana PrideSebesi Reni2018-06-252019-10-30 by Sebesi Reni2018-06-252019-10-30 Each city has its own unique Pride. For example the Pride of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia with its population of 250 thousand, mostly resembled...
PrideWorld Pride is on the company – we’ve been to the Boston PrideGáti Daniella2018-06-162019-10-30 by Gáti Daniella2018-06-162019-10-30 ’Rainbow Resistance’: that was the slogan of this year’s Boston Pride. You may ask what that means – what exactly are we resisting and what...
PrideWorld We’ve been to Christopher Street Day in DüsseldorfSzegő Krisztina2018-06-082019-10-30 by Szegő Krisztina2018-06-082019-10-30 June means Pride Month and Pride Month means heading out to march! On the 2nd June we were in Düsseldorf, capital of North Rhine-Westphalia. On...
PrideWorld Reykjavík Pride 2017Nagy Ibolya2017-08-282019-10-30 by Nagy Ibolya2017-08-282019-10-30 As each year since 1999, Reykjavik dressed up in the colors of the rainbow to celebrate Pride. Before I moved to Iceland I’d only heard...
PrideWorld Bratislava Pride 2017Szekeres Dorka2017-08-212019-10-30 by Szekeres Dorka2017-08-212019-10-30 After Tel-Aviv, Budapest and Berlin we marched on Bratislava Pride this Saturday. Our plan for 2017 was to participate in the parades of as much...
Pride Was it free?Szunyog Ágota2017-07-102019-10-30 by Szunyog Ágota2017-07-102019-10-30 I took part in the first Pride March of my life on Saturday. As always before any first time, I imagined what it was going...
ImportantPride Why am I attending Budapest Pride?Pándi Julis2017-07-052019-10-30 by Pándi Julis2017-07-052019-10-30 In 2009, this was an easy question: because those who attend have something to be afraid of. I wasn’t there when the counter-protesters could get...