Hátter Society is working together with many government organizations, including the police, the Deputy Commissioner for the protection of rights of nationalities in Hungary and...
After a considerable pause, qLit’s longest running article series is now back! Although we have already written a number of articles about living in Norway...
This March, LGBT History Month will be held for the twelfth time in Hungary, featuring 40 different programmes across the country—not only in the capital...
After the government banned books, popular content, and education addressing sexuality other than heterosexuality in the name of “child protection”, conflating homosexuality with pedophilia, the...
In Hungary, the “protection” of our children against the so-called “gender propaganda” is still a hot topic, both in education and in the closely related...
In most of the cities in the world Pride is equated with summer and sizzling temperatures, because the LGBTQ+ community celebrates its biggest event typically...
Three years after the first publication of A Fairytale for Everyone, the Hungarian authorities are still obsessed with the censorship of books with any LGBTQ+...
April 21st is an important day for the Norwegian LGBTQ+ community. This year it was the 51st anniversary of the historic LGBTQ+ milestone that homosexuality...
The European Commission referred the case to the Court of Justice of the European Union in December 2022 after 1.5 years of infringement proceedings. By...