ImportantInspirationWorld Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side? – Interview: Living as a Lesbian* in Mexico CitySzlávi Anna2021-09-292021-09-29 by Szlávi Anna2021-09-292021-09-29 This month we are travelling to Mexico City. Did you know that 130 million people live in Mexico? Only the capital, Mexico City, has almost...
ImportantInspirationWorld Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side? – 4 Year AnniversarySzlávi Anna2021-08-282021-08-28 by Szlávi Anna2021-08-282021-08-28 It was exactly four years ago that qLit started this interview series, with two Brazilian girls then living in Curitiba. Since then a lot has...
ImportantInspirationPrideWorld Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side? – Pride Special II.Szlávi Anna2021-07-212021-07-21 by Szlávi Anna2021-07-212021-07-21 Tuning in for the Budapest Pride which opened on June 24 and closes, with the Pride March, on July 24, we have brought you a...
InspirationPrideWorld Celebrate Pride with the Stars!qLit2021-07-142022-02-07 by qLit2021-07-142022-02-07 In June—or sometimes in July—we celebrate Pride month around the world; and sure enough there are even some countries where well-known people and leaders voice...
ImportantInspirationWorld Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side? – Pride SpecialSzlávi Anna2021-06-282021-06-28 by Szlávi Anna2021-06-282021-06-28 Preparing for the Budapest Pride which opens on June 24 and closes, with the Pride March, on July 25, we have brought you a compilation...
ImportantInspirationLifestyle Opinion: Rural life as a lesbian facing stereotypesqLit2021-05-112022-02-07 by qLit2021-05-112022-02-07 It’s hard to live in a small town as a lesbian. As an extreme looking lesbian working with conservative senior citizens full-time in a small...
Coming outCultureInspiration “I was already gay in kindergarten.” – Interview with Kriszta SzékelyqLit2021-04-302022-08-10 by qLit2021-04-302022-08-10 Many of you may know Kriszta Székely because of her plays, or because of her speech at the opening ceremony of the Budapest Pride in...
ImportantInspirationWorld Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side? – Interview: Living as a Lesbian* in NebraskaSzlávi Anna2021-04-172021-04-19 by Szlávi Anna2021-04-172021-04-19 It is still a general conception that the United States is an awesome place to be if you are LGBTQ+. In large coastal cities like...
CultureImportantInspiration Exemplary Queer Slam Poetry in the WorldKovács Mercédesz2021-04-022022-02-07 by Kovács Mercédesz2021-04-022022-02-07 Poetry has been with us since we invented timing words to rhythm and expressing our feelings in a shorter, more personal way. We can imagine...
ImportantInspirationWorld Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side? – Interview: Living as a Lesbian* in GermanySzlávi Anna2021-03-202021-03-20 by Szlávi Anna2021-03-202021-03-20 This month we would like to reflect on March 8th, the international women’s day, through our interview with Chriz who talked about the diversity of...