InspirationqLit Budapest Dyke March 2022qLit2022-10-052022-10-25 by qLit2022-10-052022-10-25 On 1 October we had a fantastic experience on the Budapest Dyke March. In the early evening, hundreds of lesbians* marched from Elisabeth Square to...
ImportantInspirationLifestyle Being a 13 year old lesbian in Hungary – opinionqLit2022-09-242022-09-24 by qLit2022-09-242022-09-24 It’s no news to anyone that present day Hungary is not exactly an LGBTQ+ heaven. Even organising a Pride parade is a feat, let alone...
CultureImportantInspiration Female composers in music historyMihalicza Csenge2022-08-082022-09-23 by Mihalicza Csenge2022-08-082022-09-23 Who first comes to mind when you think of the great composers of the olden days? Usually Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Debussy or other famous and...
ImportantInspirationqLitWorld Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side? – LGBT History Month RetrospectiveSzlávi Anna2022-02-282022-02-28 by Szlávi Anna2022-02-282022-02-28 February is LGBT History Month in Hungary. As part of this, qLit also takes a look back. How long has the organization been running? On...
InspirationWorld The Blossoming of the FA Women’s Super League: Lesbian Footballers in EnglandHalászi Ancsa2022-02-252022-03-20 by Halászi Ancsa2022-02-252022-03-20 Although it took years, women’s football finally has started to take off in England. We could say that it was time—because if there is a...
ImportantInspirationWorld Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side? – Interview: Living as a Lesbian* in ChinaSzlávi Anna2022-01-202022-01-27 by Szlávi Anna2022-01-202022-01-27 With our first interview of the year, we would like to invite you on a world tour that started in Estonia and ended in Hungary...
ImportantInspirationWorld Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side? – Interview about Living and Doing Sports as a Lesbian* in FranceSzlávi Anna2021-12-23 by Szlávi Anna2021-12-23 With our last interview of 2021, let us fly to the South of France. The past years were unfortunately too passive and confined for most...
ImportantInspirationWorld Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side? – Interview: Living as a Lesbian* in Sofia 2021Szlávi Anna2021-11-242021-11-24 by Szlávi Anna2021-11-242021-11-24 This month we would like to dedicate our interview series to give voice to Gloriya from Bilitis, Sofia. The main community center of the Bulgarian...
InspirationLifestyleSex Stereotypes of lesbian sex and the myth of scissoring – Fuck it, me too! podcast recqLit2021-10-292022-08-10 by qLit2021-10-292022-08-10 The latest episode of B@szki, én is! (Fuck it, me too!) featured the editor in chief of our sex column,Kriszti.And what else could have been...
Coming outImportantInspirationWorld Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side? – Coming Out Day Special 2021Szlávi Anna2021-10-112021-10-11 by Szlávi Anna2021-10-112021-10-11 October 11 is the International Coming Out Day. It has been a tradition here at qLit to celebrate this day by honoring stories that our...